Thursday 9 October 2014

Hiding Behind The Smile

Mental Health Awareness Week is upon us once again and as usual the topic of discussion is the stigma that surrounds mental illness. In this day and age it is baffling that such a common illness is treated as a taboo issue. For anyone who has or is suffering from poor mental health this stigma can only hinder recovery and their well-being.

For those who are suffering it is so important to be aware. Aware that you are NOT abnormal, it is NOTHING to be ashamed of and most importantly you are NOT ALONE! 

Mental health issues, just like people, come in all shapes and sizes. To the person that is suffering from this illness it is the biggest and quite possibly the most challenging thing they will ever have to face. The bad stigma surrounding these issues only adds to the pressure they endure day-to-day to feel "normal". 

Suicide has become a predominant tragic aspect of life that is affecting thousands daily. Its time to put a stop to it! By taking a closer look at those around you, being aware of their circumstances and even offering a friendly smile we have the power to potentially stop another from taking their own life. Ignorance is not the answer here but the danger. Knowledge, acceptance and caring are the keys to helping those in need on their way to a happier healthier life. 

It can be hard to tell when someone you know or love is suffering on the inside. Its easy to hide anguish, hurt and pain behind a smile and it is often those who appear outgoing, lively and fun that we need to keep an eye on the most. It can be so easy to miss the signs especially when we live in a world full of technologies designed to make "social interaction" impersonal. More often than not social media can make a person feel lonelier. 

At one point or another we have all been guilty of ignoring the signs that someone we know or love is in need of help. It is not easy for someone to admit that they suffer from a mental illness. They do not need nor do they want a pity party but rather a comforting word of support or actions of love and understanding. A hug is a powerful thing! 

I have been a sufferer and I have come out the other side! My family and friends supported me, understood my pain and loved me for who I was and who I am now! Without them I honestly do not know where I would be right now. 

Take the time to really see who  the ones you love really are and look for those hiding behind the smile. Take the time just THINK!